The Aitkin County Soil and Water Conservation District offers several options for forest landowners to learn more about your woods, or even just the trees in your yard!
The Aitkin SWCD has partnered with several other agencies to create an educational video series about different types of forest management in Northern Minnesota.
White Pine Management
Join an informational tour on a property in the Big Fork River Watershed in northern Minnesota. This timber harvest was linked to sustainable timber management, habitat (Deer & Grouse), water quality, and native tree diversity.
Aspen, Basswood and Hardwoods
Join an informational tour on a property in Aitkin, Minnesota. This timber harvest was linked to sustainable timber management, (oak, aspen and basswood) habitat (Deer & Grouse), water quality, and native tree diversity.
Red Pine Thinning
Watch local logger George Haapoja and his crew meander through a red pine stand, thinning trees to make room for the reserve trees. This sustainable forest harvest is conducted on FSC certified, publicly managed forest.
Forest Stewardship Plans
A Forest Stewardship plan may be the right fit for people that are interested in learning more about their woods and creating a management plan to help achieve their goals for their forests.
Each landowner has different interests, and a Forest Stewardship plan is tailored accordingly. Several common goals in Aitkin County include creating young forest to improve deer and grouse habitat; protecting, preserving, and creating rare wildlife habitat; and ensuring that planted trees thrive.
Registering a Forest Stewardship plan with the Minnesota DNR also qualifies property for enrollment in several tax-incentive programs, such as SFIA and 2C.

Aitkin County
Champion Trees
This list contains the highest-ranking examples of both native and non-native tree species in Aitkin County.
< Download the list by clicking on the PDF icon.
One tree of each species has been measured by a point-based formula that accounts for circumference, height, and crown size — the specimen with the highest number of points is named the champion tree.
Think that you might have the next champion tree? The Minnesota DNR has a video that shows how a tree is measured.
District Forester
Sam Seybold
Hello, we can assist landowners with questions about forest management practices.
Email - seybold.aitkinswcd@gmail.com